
Monday, June 18, 2012

communication in a relationship..

Wasalaam wadau wa blog,
Poleni kwa mapumziko ya mwisho wa wiki na hongereni kwa wale wote ambao mlipata muda wa kutembelea ndugu jamaa na marafiki ama kuwa karibu na familia zenu ama kuhudhuria mialiko miwili mitatu ya sherehe mbalimbali, ongezeni bidii katika hilo kwani maisha ni mafupi, hatujui siku wala saa.. Karibuni tena katika kulijenga Taifa letu changa hasa baada ya Bajeti ya mwaka wa fedha 2012/2013 kusomwa na kutarajiwa kuanza kujadiliwa hivi leo huko mjengoni, ni matumaini yetu wawakilishi wetu watatetea maslahi ya wananchi walio wengi.

Pole zaidi kwa Jirani zetu Wakenya ambao wanaendelea kufanya maombolezo na mazishi ya kitaifa tokana na misiba iliyowapata wiki iliyopita, baada ya ajali ya helikopta, inasikitisha kuweza kuona ni aina gani ya rasilimali watu ambao taifa hilo limewapoteza. Salaam za Mke wa marehemu Joshua Orwa Ojode na mwanae katika mazishi ya mpendwa wao hapo jana hakika zilijaa simanzi na machungu mengi. Mwenye enzi Mungu awalaze pema peponi, Amen.

Wazalendo wenzangu kama kawa, natumaini tumeshasau ama tunaelekea tayari kusahau kutolewa kwa timu zetu za taifa kwa upande wa kina dada ambao inasemekana wametolewa kwa masikitiko na wakaka ambao inasemekana wametolewa kiume, vyovyote vile basi la msingi wote wametolewa, Aluta continua! Walau wadau bado tunaendelea kuburudika na mashindano ya fainali za kombe la EURO ambayo yanaendelea huko mashariki ya mbali!

Kabla ya kusahau mada ya kufungulia wiki basi ngoja tu settle down to “BAU”, leo ningependa kuongelea MISINGI MIKUU ya mahusiano/ndoa bora, (BASIC FACTORS OF A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE) ambayo ni:

1.     MAWASILIANO MAZURI- COMMUNICATION RELATIONSHIP, the most important factor in a relationship




Kutokana na UMUHIMU wa misingi hiyo mikuu katika mahusiano, basi kwa leo nitaongelea kipengele kimoja kwa kuanzia na kile ambacho ni muhimu kabisa katika mahusiano yoyote yale, MAWASILIANO! COMMUNICATION!
Communication in a relationship is one of the most important factors to having that relationship being successful. Effective communication skills are not something everyone is born with, however, but they can be learned. If you are struggling with effective communication in your relationship read on to learn some new techniques.

Learning effective, healthy communication techniques will help your relationship become healthy and happy and when that happens you are far more likely to remain in the relationship instead of your marriage becoming just another statistic of divorce.
Communication does not just mean talking. A very important part of communication is the ability to listen. Sometimes that is all that is needed, just to listen!

Your spouse may just need a sounding board to be able to figure something out. If they need you to help fix something then after you listen carefully the two of you can try to come to some solution to whatever the problem is.

Communication is very complex and includes verbal and non-verbal aspects. Effective communication relationship techniques involved all of them and knowing how to interpret them accurately. Take for instance, if someone is angry, they may glare at you and sit quietly with their arms crossed. This situation is something that needs your immediate attention.
If she is left to fester then she will begin to think that you do not care about how she feels and this will only make matters worse. Reading body language is a skill that you really should perfect. It can tell you so much about how a person is feeling or even if they are lying.

If you are a perceptive person then you can pick up a lot of effective communication techniques just by paying attention to what is going on around you. If you need some help then you can attend a communication class at your local community college. This will cost a little bit of money but may be worth it’s weight in gold if it helps save your relationship.

Good communication also means paying attention to the little things and letting each other know they are appreciated. Saying thank you to your spouse should never be taken for granted. Showing your appreciation for something is just common courtesy.

Never give up saying the “I love you’s” or “thank you’s”. They may just be the most important part of your relationship. Everybody needs to feel appreciated.

Understanding is also another aspect of communication that can remain underdeveloped. What I mean by underdeveloped is that not enough questions get asked in any given situation. We assume we know what they other is talking about without clarifying. Assumptions only get you into trouble. So make sure you know exactly what is going on. If you don’t completely understand then ask questions until everything is clear.

The best advice is practice, practice, practice. Learn the techniques of an effective communication relationship and then practice them daily. Soon they will be second nature and you won’t even have to think about them anymore.

Remember without proper and committed communication efforts in a relationship, that relationship is as good as dead!
Start communicating now… and have a blessed week ahead!

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