
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why Men Cheat..?

#1 – Needs

If cheating reasons could be classified, needs would probably be the most unpleasant one. It leaves both the cheated and the cheater feeling unhappy and guilty. It usually happens when one of the partners, in most cases men, have a higher sexual urge than the other. There are many reasons that can influence sex life of a couple and so can indirectly lead one of them to cheat and by statistics, those are usually men: excessive devotion to work, lack of interest, even illness. They must be carefully and openly discussed. Adultery out of needs can be prevented by mutual understanding and willingness to work on a relationship.

#2 – Revenge


For most men, especially immature ones, revenge is a very common reason for cheating. It is much easier to “pay it back” than deal with the situation, have an open discussion and maybe even come to the point of losing a partner. This is especially typical for younger men who have never been in such situation before or for those that are not really good with controlling their emotions.

#3 – Ego


Sexual performance has always been important to men, especially when it comes to comparing to other men. So, in the period when they feel insecure about their abilities, men can start trying to prove themselves, and others, that they still have very active sex life. This is a common reason for men who are getting mature and need some time to deal with changes in their lives.

#4 – Opportunity


This is a reason that is usually the most painful for women because it is the most difficult to understand. Everything is going really well, a couple is perfectly happy and then he suddenly cheats with some woman he barely knows just because he had the chance. The obvious reason was opportunity but the fact is that there were many sub-reasons that muted the alarm bell: personal characteristics, current relations between partners, confidence, alcohol or upbringing and many other known and unknown reasons.

#5 – Unhappiness


When a relationship is still at the beginning, everything seems perfect – like the sea of happiness is never going to dry up. But sometimes, intentionally or not, people change, and their partners can end up wondering if the person that they have married was really the right choice. Men who are not happy in their relationships and have no courage to break up start cheating with an excuse that, that way both of the partners are satisfied. Of course, since that is not true the whole situation ends up being more painful.

#6 – Arrogance


We can all agree that cheating is never socially approved, even though some men among their so-called friends can get the thumbs up. Interestingly, there are situations when even they find it repulsive. The reason for that is arrogance. That happens when a men cheats because he can, because he is male, because he can bet that his wife will never find out. If you ever notice a man like this, just run, run like the wind!


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