
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

long distance relationships

Most people have their own views and opinions of Long Distance
Relationships, but you cannot clearly understand the concept until you have
been in this type of situation. 

Technology has found a way to connect people together from
all over the world, resulting in more long distance relationships than ever
before. You can meet someone online, in a chat room, through a dating or social
networking site, Skype; the possibilities are endless. Soon enough, you are
learning more about this other person than you know about your next door neighbour,
which results in a strong, deep connection. Both men and women alike have the
ability to form strong emotional attachments to another person, when bearing
your soul and being yourself. 
You meet someone online, who could live 500 miles away from
you, and you begin telling that person all about yourself. Why not? No real
risk involved. If the person doesn't like what they are hearing about you, who
cares. It's not as if you are ever going to meet the person anyway, you don't
even know them. But what happens when that same person enjoys everything you
have to say, and begins telling you about themselves in return? 
Before you know it, you have told your entire life story, including
things your best friend’s don't even know, to someone you considered a stranger
a few days ago. You find yourself hopping online a lot more often, in
hopes of chatting it up with your new friend. In a short period of time, you
begin talking to this person more than you talk to anyone else in your life,
including those you see often. A strong attachment/bond begins to form between
the two of you, and you are quickly falling in love. 

Now what?
The best kinds of relationships are those built upon emotional
connection, rather than physical. You can be physically attracted to any random
person you meet, but overtime, that attraction is going to fade and you will
realize there is nothing there emotionally. Getting to truly know
someone takes a lot of time and effort, and is easy to do when all you have for
communication is the Internet and/or phone calls. You will come to realize that
it is much easier to fall in love with someone through conversation than it is
to fall in love with someone you are physically with. But can a long distance relationship
actually work out in the end?
 Yes and No. 
First of all, you have to actually intend on meeting the
person at some point. It doesn't necessarily have to be right away, but I’d say
within a year, the two of you should start planning a meet up. Second of all, long
distance relationships will only work when both partners are truly mature
adults, knowing exactly what they are looking for. If you are a High School
Student, or even most College aged, these types of relationships will usually
fail. Eventually, you are going to get tired of not being with your
partner physically, and that's when you will look elsewhere. It's only natural.
Long Distance Relationships require a lot of patience, will power, and
effort on both partners. If you have what it takes, then A LDR will definitely
work in your favour, and may even end up being the greatest love story you will
ever have.

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